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Blogs to Follow

Ancestor Chaser: A family history blog by Kerryn Taylor. Kiely, Hulme, Fleming etc families from the Oxley, Whitfield, Horseshoe Creek, Cheshunt, Milawa, Boggy Creek, Stanley areas.

Kerryn has a second blog named Kerryn’s Kin, with similar families and North East locations.

Life on Spring Creek by Jacqui Durrant. Jacqui’s blog began as an exploration of how life was lived on the Beechworth goldfields in the 1850s. It has evolved to delve deeper into the lives and history of local First Nations people and the ways in which their lives intersected with European pastoralism and the gold rush.

by Megan Carter. This is another excellent blog about First Nation people from the north east.

Web Links

Wangaratta Family History Society Inc.

Wangaratta & District Heritage Network

Wangaratta Textile Town

Greta Heritage Group

Milawa Heritage Group

South Wangaratta History

King River Camp – created by CWG’s great uncle Aubrey Jackel with the assistance of grandfather Ivan Jackel.

Marianne Gibson’s Quilt

2/24 Infantry Battalion raised in Wangaratta

WWII Aboriginal Platoon at Camp 9 Wangaratta

Personal Papers and Diaries (incomplete)

Early Baptists on the Ovens River [manuscript] by Rev. B. Brown.

Ely, Albert Llewellyn – personal diary

Hopkins, James – personal diary

Research papers and original documents and maps relating to From 16000 to 5 (acres): Stories and History of the Kensington Park and Walnut Grove Estates from the 1838 Ovens Crossing Place squatting run of William Henry Clark to the present day, by John Faithfull and Jim Lewis for Kildara Neighbourhood Watch Program, 2001.

Restieaux, Alfred – personal diary

Books, Journal Articles and Theses (incomplete)

The 1859 Election on the Ovens, by Antony O’Brien;

Aborigines of eastern Victoria and far southeastern New South Wales, 1830 to 1910 [The]: an historical geography by Sue Caroline Wesson:

Aunt Spencer’s Diary (1854): a visit to Bontharambo and the north-east Victorian goldfields,

Baron Von Mueller : botanical pioneer of the north-east by James Hamlyn Willis, 1980

Bend in the Yarra : a history of the Merri Creek Protectorate Station and Merri Creek Aboriginal School 1841-1851 [A]/ Ian D. Clark and Toby Heydon, 2004

“The best of them all” : Wangaratta Ski Club 1980 – 2005, celebrating 75 Years, compiled by David McCabe from articles, photographs and illustrations contributed by members of the Wangaratta Ski Club, 2005

Book of the bush : containing many truthful sketches of the early colonial life of squatters, whalers, convicts, diggers, and others who left their native land and never returned [The] / by George Dunderdale

A brief history of baseball in Wangaratta and the North East, by Jim McKean and Kath Nero, undated

Bridge to the Future: Oxley Shire 1862-1962 by M. A. Moonie;

Brigidine Sisters in Wangaratta, 1887-1987 / compiled by Sr. Marcella, Bill O’Callaghan, Joan Canny, Helen Fogarty, 1987.

Callanders, 1889 to 1981 : Dookie, Wangaratta by W. F. Callander, 1982.

The Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Wangaratta, published by Holy Trinity Church (Wangaratta, Vic.), 1965.

Celebrate! : the first 100 years of Wangaratta High School, 1909-2009 by Trish Gallagher.

Centenary of ANZAC [DVD] :remembering the men of South Wangaratta who died in the Great War, c2014

Centenary of the Australian Natives’ Association, Wangaratta Branch, 1891-1991 by A.O. Smith, 1991

Centenary of Carraragarmungee Primary School 1704, March 13th, 1976

Centenary of Methodism in Wangaratta 1869 – 1969, 1969.

Chinese pioneers of the King Valley by Jocelyn Groom, Wangaratta, Vic. : Centre for Continuing Education, 2001:

Chisholm St and the fifty niners by Marilyn Webster , undated

Chisholm Street School No 643 1850-2000 : a history of the last 150 years [The] / [by Dawn Floyd], 200?;

A collection of O’Cal’s corner by J. W. (Bill) O’Callaghan, 2005. A selection of 50 stories that appeared in the ‘Telegraph’ and ‘Chronicle’ between 1991 and 2005.

Co-operative Housing In Wangaratta, 1945-1982 : an informal history / by Ron Mackenzie, 1983.

Early days of the Upper Murray by Jean Carmody, Shoestring Press, 1981;

Early Wangaratta by W H Edwards; Victorian Historical Journal , Vol. VIII.

Edi: The History of Early Selection and Settlement 1850-2002, by Ken Walley, circa 2004.

Education is child’s play at Christopher Robin pre-school : celebrating 40 years October 28th, 2007

Engines of Influence: Newspapers of Country Victoria, 1840-1890 by Elizabeth Morrison, 2005.

Everton: The first hundred years, by Jill Millthorpe, 1978.

Faithfull Massacre at the Broken River [The], 1838 by Judith Bassett,  Journal of Australian Studies, Vol. 13 No. 24, 1989, pp.18-34.

Faithfulls of Omeo by Fred and Diana Bienvenu, 1983;

Farmers’ Store That Grew and Grew: A pictorial history of Wangaratta’s Co-Store [The], by Graham Jones, 1988

First Twenty years : North-Eastern Historical Society [The], Wangaratta, Victoria by A.O. Smith, 1979.

Flour Mills of Victoria 1840-1990 : an historical record [The] / Lewis and Peggy Jones, 1990;

From 16000 to 5 (acres): Stories and History of the Kensington Park and Walnut Grove Estates from the 1838 Ovens Crossing Place squatting run of William Henry Clark to the present day, by John Faithfull and Jim Lewis for Kildara Neighbourhood Watch Program, 2001

From Wales to Whitefield: a history of the Evans family 1815-1950, David M. Evans, 2016.

Grossman diaries: life and times of Charlie Grossman (Chas) Grossman Chatsworth [The], North Wangaratta, by Margaret Pullen, 1994.

The Hawk story : the official history of the Wangaratta Rovers football club by W. J. Findlay, 1983

Hello girls…….. number please : commemorating 50 years of service at the Wangaratta telephone exchange by Maureen Bedford.

The history of Christ Church, Greta, 1890-1990, by John Hunter Dinning, c1990

The history of the Lutheran Church (former E.L.C.A. and U.E.L.C.A. and L.C.A.) Wangaratta, Victoria by Pastor Renner, 1983

A history of table tennis in Wangaratta 1949-2014

History of Greta by S. E. Ellis, 1972

History of Wangaratta High School 1909-1984 : 75th Anniversary, researched by year 11 1983 history class ; teacher Meredith Healey ; edited by Dawn and Lyn Barr.

A history of Warra, by Robyn & Guy Roberton, undated

Holy Trinity Boy’s hostel Wangaratta : 1946-96 by Doug McFarlane

Hospital in Wangaratta (the first 100 years) [A] by D.M. Whittaker, 1972.

Hurdle Creek West State School : No.2536 1878-1965, by Lindsay McD. Simpson, 2001.

I was at the Kelly Gang Round-Up by Judith Douthie (Mortimer), 2007;

Jubilee and other stories by R. (Dick) Pendlebury [History of the Jubilee Golf Club], 1974

Journey to Aboriginal Victoria by Aldo Massola, 1970 [Chapter 17 is relevant to Wangaratta]

Killara : “always there” : the story of the Intellectually Disabled Centre in Wangaratta by Sherran Mitchell, 2016

Last of the Bushrangers: an account of the capture of the Kelly gang, by Francis Augustus Hare. Various editions – 2nd edition pub. 1892

Legends of the grass : a history from 1894-2011 by Wangaratta Lawn Tennis Club, 2011;

Letters from Aboriginal Women of Victoria 1867-1926, edited by Elizabeth Nelson, Sandra Smith and Patricia Grimshaw, 2002;

Local landmarks. Volume 1. Historical aspects of North-east Victoria by M. A. (Mark Adrian) Stephens, Wangaratta College of T.A.F.E., 1984.

Memories of Oxley by Graham Jones, 1995;

Moments in Jazz : 15 years of the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz by Baker’s Dozen Publishing, Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE Wangaratta, 2004

More than an 8 hour day : Wangaratta BPW : 50 year anniversary, 1957-2007, by Joan Canny et. al.

Names of the Great Alpine Road between Wangaratta and Omeo : their origins, meanings and history by P.D. Gardner.

Native languages of the Wangaratta area : a review of Aboriginal language materials for northeast Victoria by Carol Sonogan, 2002

Northern Suburbs Factory Study:  by Gary Vines and Matthew Churchward, published by Historic Buildings Council and Melbourne’s Living Museum of The West Inc., 1992. [References to flour mills in Wangaratta]

Notes on the Early Settlement of the NE, by Dr Arthur Andrews, published Despatch 1915. (Not recommended as this is very unreliable!)

On This Day in the North East, by Graham Jones, 1989.

Our Community, Our Commitment : From the Base and Beyond – Celebrating 140 Years of Northeast Health Wangaratta, published by Northeast Health Wangaratta, 2012.

Pallanganmiddang: a language of the Upper Murray by Barry J Blake and Julie Reid.

The passion for spinning and weaving lives on : celebrating the 40th anniversary of Wangaratta Handweavers and Spinners, 2013

Pastoral Pioneering, by Dr A C D Rivett, 1938.

Persist and succeed : a history of the Combined Churches Football Club 1952-1991, by Darren Lewis, 1992

Pictorial of Wangaratta and District, c1959

Pictures on my screen : growing up in Kelly country by Florence Cathcart, 1989;

The Pinsent Hotel : since 1851 by E. Harman and M. Paterson, 1991

Pioneer homes in the Wangaratta district, by Bob Morrison and Bruce Holden, 1978.

Pioneer’s Memorial Oration – Fourth Annual: by Professor Ian Clunies Ross, Wangaratta, 1941.

Pioneer’s Memorial Oration – Ninth Annual: The Story of the 2/24th Battalion (“Wangaratta’s Own”), by Colonel Allan Spowers, Wangaratta, 1946.

Pioneer’s Memorial Oration – Inaugural: Pastoral Pioneering, by Professor Sir A. C. D. Rivett, 1938.

Pioneer’s Memorial Oration – Second Annual: by A. E. V. Richardson, 1939. [development of the North-East 1937-1938].

Pioneer’s Memorial Oration – Third Annual; by R. B. Kelley. [Early squatter settlement in NE Victoria, plus early animal breeds and management].

Pioneer Teachers of the Kelly Country: Head teachers and their schools in North-East Victoria during the 1870s and 1880s, by L. J. Pryor & G. W. Pryor, 2020

The Presbyterian Church in Wangaratta : a history from the Centenary 1958 until Union in 1977 by Elva Amery, c1977

Recipes and stories from Weeroona by Clare Ganderton, 2012

Recollections of a Victorian Police Officer / by John Sadleir;

Red Cross in Wangaratta : a brief history… / written and compiled by Cheryl M. Sargent, 2013;

Remembering Merriwa Park : Wangaratta / Doug McLaughlin

Rural City of Wangaratta Heritage Study: thematic history, inventory of Heritage places, & guide to the inventory , Volume 4, 2004, by C & MJ Doring Pty Ltd & Michele Summerton

Rural City of Wangaratta Heritage Study Review (Part 1) and Urban Precincts 2011, Volume One: Urban Precincts, 2013

Rural City of Wangaratta Heritage Study Review (Part 1) and Urban Precincts 2011, Volume Two: Rural Places, 2013

Saddle at Bontharambo [A], H. J. Samel, Melbourne, 1950;

Saint Columb’s Hall : Wangaratta, Victoria : a history 1903-1969, by John J Hebblewhite.

Second Twenty-Fourth Australian Infantry Battalion of the 9th Australian Division [The]: a history, edited by R. P. Serle, 1963.

Sedition, Treason & Other Pastoral Pursuits by John R Grenville; High Country Publishing, 1997;

Seven generations in Australia : the Canny family story by Joan Canny

Shenanigans on the Ovens goldfields : the 1859 election / by Antony O’Brien, 2005.

Silver Jubilee : Our Lady’s parish, pub 1983

Speed limit 20 : the story of the narrow-gauge branch lines of the Victorian Railways by Edward A. Downs

As The Spirit Leads: St Patrick’s Parish Wangaratta 150 years by Peter R Murray, 2012

The St. Catherine’s story : 1961-2001, 2000

St Paul’s Presbyterian Church Wangaratta Centenary: 100 years 1858-1958

The story behind Tarrawingee, 1854-1954, by John Kay, 1954

Story of the districts included in the Shire of Wangaratta by J. Colin Angus ; published by the Shire Council to mark its centenary, September 1967, [Wangaratta, Vic.] :

From sump oil to dust : the first 50 years of the North Eastern Car Club, 1953-2003 by Jeff Whitten, 2003

These singular people : the Ovens Blacks : supplementary report 28 July 1997, by Marie Hansen Fels

Things Were Different Then: St John’s Village Wangaratta Life Stories, St John’s Village Wangaratta, c2010-c2014. Various volumes have been produced in the Life Stories series. Unfortunately none have an ISBN or have been lodged with the State Library of Victoria or the National Library of Australia. Author has one undated volume containing 16 stories published c2013-c2014.

Thirty years in Australia by Ada Cambridge;

A touch of time : Wangaratta C.W.A., 1929-1994

Through Jack’s eyes : a history of farming in North East Victoria and the preservation of heritage roses by Peter W. Ham, 1999

“… Through Women’s Eyes at Pioneering Days.”: some women of Wangaratta and District by Brenda Leitch, 1st and 2nd ed.s, 1985. 

United we stand : “A history of the King Valley United Football Netball Club 1934-2012”, King Valley United Football Netball Club ; ed. Daniella Hubbard, 2014

Up and Down the Sydney Road: The romance of the Hume Highway by Beresford Rae, 1958.

Vineyards of north east Victoria, 1970

A walk through history : Wangaratta’s historical buildings and sites / [kit] by Bill O’Callaghan, 1992

Wangaratta 1959-1984 : a silver city / by Bill O’Callaghan and Bill Findlay;

Wangaratta Agricultural and Industrial Society Inc. [The]: 140 years by Anne Fogarty, 1999.

Wangaratta Baptist Church, History 1902 – 1977 : 75th Anniversary by written and compiled by Brenda Leitch

Wangaratta : being the history of the township that sprang up at Ovens Crossing, and grew into a modern city, 1824-1838-1963 / by D.M. Whittaker ; with contributions from G.W. Edwards … [et al]

Wangaratta : capital of Northeastern Victoria ; illustrated history of the town and district 1838-1927, Back to Wangaratta Celebrations Committee, 1927;

Wangaratta centenary celebrations 1838-1938 : October 15th to October 22nd by Wangaratta Centenary Committee, 1938.

Wangaratta clay target club : 1919-1999, c1999

Wangaratta Club Centenary 1909-2009, by M. J. Guilfoyle, c2010.

Wangaratta Fire Brigade Centenary 1876-1976, published by the brigade, no author noted.

Wangaratta gun club history (70th anniversary)

Wangaratta High School, 90 years on, 1909-1999 by Graham Jones.

Wangaratta Honour Boards by Wangaratta Family History Society Inc., c1994.

Wangaratta in World War 2 : a community research and writing project of The Wangaratta Centre for Continuing Education in conjunction with the Wangaratta High School and Galen College Wangaratta, 1985.

Wangaratta Library: the first 135 years, by E. P. Date et. al., 1996

Wangaratta : old tales and tours / Judy Bassett and Edna Harman:

Wangaratta Planning Scheme Heritage Overlay, 2014

Wangaratta Planning Scheme Ordinance, 2014

Wangaratta racing history, 1845-1986 / compiled by W.J. (Bill) Findlay for the Wangaratta Turf Club Incorporated, 1987.

Wangaratta Shire Centenary – 1967 by J. Colin Angus,

Wangaratta Sketch Book: Pencil sketches in and around Wangaratta, David P, McCabe, 2003.

Wangaratta South School Centenary 1875-1975, by F. L. Hall, 1975.

Wangaratta Story [The]: Pre-settlement to 2009 by Bill O’Callaghan, with Rhonda Diffey and Kevin Hill, 2009.

Wangaratta Technical College : the first 50 years 1928-1978 by I. G. Mac Donald, T. V. Findlay and W. L. George, c1978

Wangaratta : thriving provincial city : capital of north-eastern Victoria, Australia / [written and compiled by H. G. Harman], Wangaratta Chronicle, 1951;

Wangaratta West Primary School, 1950-1990, [no.] 4642, c1990

Wangaratta Woollen Mills, Australian Country Spinners : 85th anniversary, 31/08/1923 – 31/08/2008 published by Wangaratta Woollen Mills, 2008.

We remember : honouring the service & sacrifice of local veterans and the Wangaratta community during World War 1, [DVD], c2014

Whitfield to Wangaratta Railway 1899-1953: An historical record, by Lindsay McD. Simpson, 1999.

Who is she? : the lives and trials of the women and children who shared their lives with the Chinese men living and working on the Upper Ovens Goldfields in North East Victoria / by Diann Talbot, 2016.

Who’s Who & Tourist Guide of Wangaratta & Surrounding Towns 1961, Universal Business Directories (UBD).

Wind and the Book [The]: Memories of a country doctor, by David D. Browne, 1976;

Worthy of Mention: biographical essays and monographs of past inhabitants of Wangaratta and the Shires of Wangaratta and Oxley … 1838-1988, by Elizabeth Moss,

Newspapers (incomplete)

Ovens & Murray Advertiser, published at Beechworth from 1855:

Wangaratta Chronicle (1884-1937) (2003- current): digitised from 1914 to 1918:, microfilm or hard copy of other years available from State Library of Victora

Images, maps, records of birth, death and marriage, electoral rolls, court records etc

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