A Whirlpool of Profligacy

A Whirlpool of Profligacy

Fear not dear reader! This is not another post about riots and debauchery in the good town of Wangaratta. In fact, this story lauds the gentility and culture of early 1870s Wangaratta. The opening hours of the town’s Athenaeum was the subject of a letter to the...
Ivan Keith Jackel – an introduction

Ivan Keith Jackel – an introduction

The 18th August 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of my grandfather Ivan Keith Jackel. I haven’t prepared anything nearly good enough to honour his impact on my life, so instead of attempting a biography or memorial, I am simply calling this an...
Who Was … Eliza Armstrong?

Who Was … Eliza Armstrong?

In history there are many souls assigned to oblivion, due mainly to circumstances at their death, and a lack of connecting information with their living past. One such person is Eliza Armstrong. Eliza was a partner to George Clark (1818-1854) who was a brother of my...
An Early Post Office

An Early Post Office

When Alexander Cameron MacDonald passed away in 1917, local newspapers heralded him as Wangaratta’s first Postmaster. This was not true, as at least two other men acted in the capacity of Postmaster before MacDonald arrived in the infant town and he was never...
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