by Jenny Coates | 28 Dec 2017 | North East Victoria, Trove Tuesday, Wangaratta
I’ve been reading early local inquests in an effort to solve a few minor but nonetheless interesting questions. My first question was about the location of Samuel Cheek’s Bridge. This existed in the 1860s and was not much more than a log across the One...
by Jenny Coates | 16 Dec 2017 | Homes and Properties, North East Victoria, Wangaratta
I have been asked to look into the history of a house named ‘Glen Ashley’ situated at 1 Chisholm Street Wangaratta, on the north east corner of Ely Street. Due to changes in land records, and subdivisions, researching this block and house has proven...
by Jenny Coates | 9 Dec 2017 | Family Tree, Hotels, North East Victoria, Wangaratta
I have written previously about the inquest into George Clark’s death in June 1854 and how it allowed me to put together information to come up with the location and name of the Grape Inn which was owned by George’s brother William Henry Clark (WHC)....
by Jenny Coates | 2 Dec 2017 | Family Tree, Hotels, Wangaratta
It’s not often that one is thankful that a person died in such gruesome circumstances that an inquest was held. This is one of those exceptions and I apologise to my four times great uncle George Clark for the happy excitement his inquest generated. George died...
by Jenny Coates | 14 Nov 2017 | Trove Tuesday, Wangaratta
Fear not dear reader! This is not another post about riots and debauchery in the good town of Wangaratta. In fact, this story lauds the gentility and culture of early 1870s Wangaratta. The opening hours of the town’s Athenaeum was the subject of a letter to the...
by Jenny Coates | 19 Aug 2017 | Family Tree, Surnames I am Researching, Wangaratta
A few weeks ago Alona Tester asked bloggers to join in her Ancestral Places Geneameme. I had only recently published a post on the names and associated places I was researching and didn’t want to just regurgitate that list in a revised format. Instead I set...